What would you do with an extra day in your week?

In 1991, Linda Selden noticed that many of her business friends were overworked and needed more time to focus on important, profitable projects. As one said, “I need a Guardian Angel to get me through all this.”
That’s how LBS Business Services began. With a commitment to look after and protect her clients every day, Linda meets her clients’ needs for office administration and management.
She and her “virtual associates” provide executive assistance, sales support, and information management services to both individual and business clients.
Linda’s background in corporate America working for Fortune 500 companies such as General Electric and Occidental Petroleum prepared her well for this business. It gave her a first-hand understanding of business pressure and the importance of doing quality work.
Her intense business curiosity and love for golf has taken her behind the scenes of many professional and amateur golf tours and tournaments. It also drove her to help establish the largest Chapter of Executive Women’s Golf Association in the world.
In honor of her own Guardian Angel (her mother), Linda designed and developed a Pink-Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Horse Pin while working with the American Cancer Society. Contact us for more information and how to order yours.
Put the Guardian Angel to work for you or your company. Contact LBS today for more information.